This plot shows the 2020 and 2024 trends in voter registration in Nebraska's Second Congressional District; the ticket that wins this district in November will earn one electoral vote. Registrations generally trended slightly upward in both 2020 and 2024 for all four partisan affiliations, though the total number of major party and unaffiliated registrations trail 2020 numbers. As in 2020, Republicans outpace Democrats in this context, though the gap has widened (14,000 now versus 5,000 in September 2020). As of September 1, there were 155,000 registered Republicans, 141,000 Democrats, 103,000 unaffiliated voters, and 6,000 Libertarians. One caveat regarding these data is important: the boundaries of this district were slightly modified during the 2022 redistricting cycle, so apples-to-apples comparisons are not advised here.