Become a Poll Worker

Election administrators across the country rely on citizen poll workers to staff polling places and deliver other key services. While the landscape looks different now than it did in 2020, election offices around the country still need new volunteers to run a successful election in November.

In every election, we vitally need committed citizens to work on Election Day. Sign up to be a poll worker and support democracy in action.

How to get involved:

U.S. Election Assistance Commission

National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is a day of action with the goal of encouraging potential poll workers to sign up to Help America Vote in 2024. Find more information about this day and how to sign up as a poll worker in your community at the EAC's page.

Power the Polls, a partner in the Elections Performance Central project, is working to recruit new poll workers who can staff in-person voting locations during early voting and on Election Day. Learn more about signing up at their website.


When in doubt about how to become a poll worker, look for the information your local election office provides!